About Us
STACO is a non-governmental, non-profitable and independent organization that is focused on the charity work and development of societies, whereas it works in sustained development, helping low income individuals, rendering aids in cases of emergencies to the personals who are affected by conflicts without discrimination or prejudice.
(S-T-A-C-O) SHEIKH TAHER AZZAWI CHARITY ORGANIZATION, it was established according to stipulations of law number (19) for the YEAR 2001 which is relevant to re-organization of civil society. The organization was granted a registration certificate number (1648). Its main domicile is in city of Zawia, although it has several branches and offices inside Libya.

Why Are We Involved
Charity and Voluntary work is considered a fundamental factor in refining the Human soul, and in the enhancement of the social & humanitarian solidarity, thus, donation and aiding could do a lot to relieve both pain and sufferings of certain groups affected by them, organizations are at war with sufferings like: poverty, migration and diseases. Hence the charity work is considered as a humanitarian behavior of great values which play a great role in the development of societies, it also supports the idea of blood relationship to all Humans around the globe.
Upon these principles began the start of STACO which was established on 10th October 2011 according to the following Basis: Humanitarian values, polices of non-discrimination, neutrality & independency, professionalism and co-operation with charity organizations & volunteers, the basis that are made to avoid harm of various humanitarian groups due to the conflict in Libya since February 2011, we are trying to reconstruct the national consolidation. The Organization extended its activities for its aids to be delivered outside the country; this qualified it to occupy an outstanding position in civil society and between non-governmental organizations all over the world. Whereas it became a local, regional, and international organization. The organization was established to be the first of Libyan civil society organizations after the 17th of February revolution , we choose the name of Sheikh Taher Azzawi as an appreciation for his character, we aim to appreciate him via the activities aiming to develop the Libyan community without any kinds of discrimination , we are appreciating the Sheikh’s aspiring life by publishing the heritage of Sheikh Taher Azzawi which involving his books and documents , we are appreciating his deeds as we are marking his memory by our efforts in establishing a well devoted teamwork that contributes in the stability of our beloved country .Hence this organization was established to be a part of an integrated charitable community aimed to make a better living to the good people of Libya.
The organization is proud to say that it is a member in several international unions considering charity and voluntary work:
Success Stories
Our Vision

“There is no difference between humans not by their colors, religious views, race nor gender; they are all equal into our eyes. what we do is for everyone, everywhere” Supporting capabilities of the groups who cannot satisfy their main needs (Home, Food or Education) to maintain the humanitarian dignity and social welfare in cooperation with local and international partners.
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