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A workshop entitled (writing a CV in English)

A workshop entitled (writing a CV in English)

Sebha – Libya
In continuation of the activities of the Training Department of the Sheikh Al-Taher Al-Zawi Charitable Foundation in the municipality of Sebha, the Sabha office in the Social Security Fund hall organized a workshop on writing a CV in English in the British and American manner, under the supervision of Professor Hana Al-Shami, responsible for the training and development department in the office.

This workshop was attended by a group of state sector employees, including (Libyana Company – Al Madar Company – Social Security Fund – Price Stabilization Fund – Ministry of Health Sebha – Health Services Sebha – Sebha Local Council – General Bar Association) and a number of employees and members of the Sheikh Al-Taher Al-Zawi Charitable Foundation .
Where it was defined how to formulate a CV in the approved global way,
The workshop included practical applications in particular, as well as a presentation in which the achievements and services of the institution and its departments were presented.

The workshop concluded with honoring the winning team and distributing participation certificates to the attendees.

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