The Sheikh Al-Taher Al-Zawi Charitable Foundation completed a midwifery and nursing training course in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, under the supervision of Dr. Manal Al-Zarrouk and Dr. Najwa Al-Fitouri, in addition to the infection and epidemic control course, in the capital, Tripoli, in partnership with the Italian International Cooperation Organization HelpCode, and the Italian Organization for Cooperation and Development AGENZIA ITALIANA PER LA COOPERAZIONE ALLO SVILUPPO, with the aim of increasing the capabilities of physicians, increasing their skills and enriching their knowledge.
The training course targeted 14 trainees, between a midwife and a nurse, for 4 health centers (Al-Disa, Germa, Ibrik, Al-Fajeej) in Ubari, Libya, through which the trainees had a better understanding of the principles of screening screening, the principles and organization of care in low-risk pregnancy, identifying a woman High-risk, high-risk fetal identification.
In addition to the infection and epidemic control course, which targeted 4 doctors and 4 nurses, as well as the early warning course for the spread of epidemics for doctors only, in cooperation with the National Center for Epidemic Control.

The training course for midwives and nurses, which lasted for three days (28-30 April 2018 AD) at the Clinical Skills Center, Faculty of Medicine / University of Tripoli, was concluded with a ceremony honoring the trainees.
During which Dr. Manal Al-Zarrouk welcomed the trainees who had taken the trouble to travel for training and development, and called on the trainees to convey the message of science and knowledge to the rest of the career cadre in the south of Libya, and stated that she was fully prepared to provide a helping hand and assistance to the health centers in Ubari, Libya, and also thanked and appreciated the Foundation Sheikh Al-Taher Al-Zawi Charitable Society and its partners for their great effort during a short period in order to make this training package a success.
At the end of the ceremony, the Administrative Affairs Office of the Sheikh Taher Al-Zawi Charitable Foundation thanked the Faculty of Medicine-University of Tripoli and the National Center for Infection and Epidemiology for their cooperation with the Sheikh Al-Taher Al-Zawi Charitable Foundation, hosting this training course, and contributing to the preparation of its training curriculum. Certificates of appreciation were also distributed to: participants.