The Sheikh Taher Al-Zawi Charitable Foundation strives to alleviate the suffering of thousands of African immigrants who fled their countries to escape wars or deteriorating economic conditions.
As part of the relief and humanitarian foundation’s efforts to help migrants, the Sheikh Taher Al-Zawi Charitable Foundation signed in February 2018 an agreement with the Italian International Cooperation Organization HelpCode and the Italian Organization for Cooperation and Development AGENZIA ITALIANA PER LA COOPERAZIONE ALLO SVILUPPO
The agreement provides for aid that includes cleaning materials, towels, woolen blankets, floor mats, and cleaning materials, in addition to scabies medicine, clothes and shoes. Maintenance of health facilities in shelter centers will also be carried out.
Where 2,900 migrants of various African nationalities, men between 29 and 45 years old, a few women with children, and a large number of unaccompanied minors, will benefit from each of the Tajoura shelters, Sikka Road, and Airport Road, in the capital, Tripoli, for a period of 4 months (February-May 2018). The mission of the Sheikh Taher Al-Zawi Charitable Foundation is to receive, store and manage the received materials, and to prepare reports on the necessary needs of migrants inside the shelters.
During the month of March, non-food aid was distributed to irregular migrants as follows:
• Al-Sikka Road Shelter Center on March 20, 2018, in the presence of:
Italian Ambassador to Libya Giuseppe Peroni
And the head of the Anti-Illegal Immigration Authority, Mr. Muhammad Bishr

• Tajoura Shelter Center – 21 March 2018
• Airport Road Shelter Center – 25 March 2018

The visits will continue during the remaining period, with the aim of completing the humanitarian efforts to rescue migrants.